About Me

I am a very visual person and for me it is all about the visual experience and it's environment. There is nothing new under the sun, it is just re-invented or re-created and that is good, as the re-creation usually reflects the society in which it is born.
My greatest source of comfort is the earth upon which we stand. I am in a new location now and I am looking forward to planting native woody plants and the hard to find, creating 'the view' nurturing the soil back to being a good filter for our Great Lake. It was a few years ago that a friend suggested I was a Pantheist, I had no idea what she was talking about. Since then I have discovered that 'yes, I am!' When I moved to my current village of Grafton (close to the farm where I spent my after birth years) people would ask 'what church do you go to?'. I would answer, "I am in my church, I walk it daily".
I work in Landscape Design, I love being outdoors and healing the land. Really it is all about the structure and form in design. I have always believed in keeping it simple stupid, as things can run amok pretty quickly. So you will not see a lot of 'flower beds' in my  work, but lots of flowers & drifts of texture, colour and waves of moving flora and hopefully this will encourage the fauna. I start with using native (love all plants & people who are native!) and then go from there, which can be anywhere.
I now am working with recycled metals and this is a great joy to me. Here in Grafton I hope to create a place to reflect on the past and hope for the future. That is when my horticultural side takes hold, into the future. I plant trees for 90 years from now and I hope they stay here long after I am gone.

Great Lake

Great Lake
Lakeshore Road
