First one up is the black willow which I can see from my backyard but this was taken from the block behind my house.
I love the drape of the branches and this photo of course does not do justice to the drape or colour of this branch.
I had a better colours on previous photo's but Bo was tuggn' on the leash so they are out of focus.
This Daphne is in the front bed of an old house here in the village. I have seen this Daphne sprouting up in ditches here last spring. Pretty pink against the emerging green foliage.
Yes, here in Ontario everything is later than south of us.

This my Canadian Tamarack on the right and it is ahead of it's cousin the Metasequoia Dawn Redwood which is pictured below. Just ahead and am sorry about the Dawn Redwood photo.
This is my Salix undensis Dragon's Claw willow, I am looking forward to see how it comes along this year. I planted it last summer and the 'claws' are fat, so are the buds, they start off small, get that silver fuzzy look and then a lavender blue and finally open to reveal the pollen. Now, how exciting is that!! I live in a village.

Here is an old fashioned Quince, it's the upright fan shaped form and it is loaded with buds, which will attract the Baltimore Orioles when they arrive soon.
Below is the old fashioned crab apple that over hangs my property and last year I made crab apple jelly for the first time in my life. It was delicous.
Here are the buds of my Amelanchier canadensis, planted last summer on the south lawn. Big fat buds so it's happy and so am I.
I have finished cutting back my grasses in the beds and weeded again yesterday.
Later today I am back in the greenhouse planting the rest of the perennials and starting seeds. The other day I put down some Gunnera Manicata seeds, I think I will have to over winter them in a cold frame before I can sell them.
Things I need for my garden:
Cedar mulch
mushroom compost
Reliance peach
and what ever else strikes my fancy.
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