Friday, March 12, 2010

Adobe Oven

I want one of these in my backyard! I am outside as much as possible and to think that I could be cooking outside would, well this could maybe anti up the productivity in that department. Last summer I ate well, very well from my kitchen garden in the backyard, but that was it, I ate while I was in the garden! The thought of going inside to prepare the food and possibly cook it, that takes all the fun of it out of the experience. So everything was consumed pretty much raw and went directly from the vine to my mouth! What has happened to me since I moved to a village. Have I lost all sense of social decorum? It appears so.

Last summer I decided that I wanted an Adobe Oven in my backyard, through a friend I have a source for local clay and there is a cement pad in my backyard ready to accept the oven.
Kathryn McHolm who has built 'a few' of these great outdoor cooking devices will lead a workshop at my house if you are interested. She wrote an article about it for Harrowsmith magazine about a year ago and she will have a workshop in my backyard. Just think, traditional Italian wood oven pizza and you will drool over the flavours gathered from your own garden to the wood fired oven crust! Yum! Also, baking girls and I know that there are a few of you around here, you can bake in your oven while you are in your garden! No more running into the house while tending your garden. Just bring the portable timer outside! Ding! In the summer when I am cooking in my house kitchen, it all burns anyway. That is because I am outside and can not hear the timer go off. You have to drag me in the house during warmer months. Everything tastes great from a wood fired Adobe Oven. So if you want to sign up for a workshop, let me know and we will start cookn' with Kathryn.
When this oven is built I can see myself now, I will never come inside, everything from the early morning dawn to the Milky Way at night will be viewed from next to my Adobe Oven.
So if you want to sign up for a workshop let me know by the comment feature and become a follower on my blog.

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