Am I crazy, well, yes. This is not about smoking tobacco, there are benefits to tobacco and it is not about smoking those cigarettes.
It's about this plants ability to absorb toxins from soil and water. It was first reported by Science Daily in August 2007 that tobacco plants inserted with a gene for TNT (transforming bacterial enzyme) showed that the gene modified plant significantly reduced the toxicity of the TNT contaminated soil. This is good news for World War II sites, military training areas and explosive manufacturing sites.
Now in 2010, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology reports
that a new strain of tobacco plant can make antibodies to toxic pond scum that affects humans, livestock and nature.
What they did was genetically modify a tobacco plant to produce an antibody to MC-LR (pond scum) the new strain of tobacco produced the antibody in it's leaves and secreted the antibody from it's roots - viola! The plants antibody bound to the toxin rendering it harmless when grown next to pond scum infected areas!
These developments will lead to cleaner soil and cleaner water around the world. This is the kind of science that can make you change your mind about genetically modified plants.
I remember reading years ago about how a growth of Popular trees was being used to remove lead and other toxic materials from the soil.
It is amazing what plants will do for us, including cleaning up after our follies.
Here is a photo of my Dad in one of his tobacco fields, this was taken in the late 50's or early 60's, our farm was in Centreton.
I am sure the strain they growing now for the useful purposes is much different from what is in the field below.
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