I moved into this house a year and a half ago and I still have boxes that require to be sorted and unpacked. I was attempting this act of 'cleanliness is next to goddess' look this week when I was sorting boxes from the move earlier this week in the basement. I also I have confess I hate basements, so being down there for periods of time can make me suffer from damp, dark blindness. I persisted though with my task. What I found thrilled me. Two pieces of paper that I have not seen since high school. In the late 60s', early seventies I was a hippie, does that mean I am not anymore. Not by a long shot, still am too!, as much as I can be in my time of life (what year is this?). In our high school library they had a small book that was only ever taken out by moi. It was little book by John Lennon and it was a brilliant collection of his drawings and poetry. I loved that book and my last year at the school I considered taking the book home with me because I had been the only one who ever checked the book out of the library. I did not take it, instead I copied a funny poem from it, actually typed it out. I remember at the time I found this hilarious, must of been the hippie in me! So here it is from December 8, 1972 from John Lennon's little book.
At the denis
By John Lennon
Madam: I have a hallowed tooth that suffer me grately.
Sir: Sly down in that legchair Madam and open your gorble wide - your mouse is all but toothless.
Madam: Alad. I have but eight tooth remaining (eight tooth left).
Sir: Then you have lost eighty three.
Madam: Impossyble.
Sir: Everydobby knows there are foor decisives two canyons and ten grundies, which make thristy two in all.
Madam: But I have done everything to save my tooth.
Sir: Perhumps? but to no avague.
Madam: Ah. why did I not insult you sooner?
Sir: To late, it must be now or neville.
Madam: You will pull it for me then?
Sir: No, Madam, I will excrete it.
Madam: But that is very painfull.
Sir: Let me see it - Crack! there it be madarce.
Madam: But sir I wished to keep (was anxious to keep) that tooth.
Sir: It was all black and moody, and the others are too.
Madam: Mercy I will have none to eat with soon.
Sir: A free Nasty Heath set is good, and you will look thirty years jungle.
Madam: (aside) Thirty years jungle; (aloud) Sir I am no catholic, pull out all my stumps.
Sir: O.K.Gummy
There you have it, at the time I thought this was hilarious! It is funnier thinking about it all now than it is reading it again for the first time since 1972!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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