Monday, March 15, 2010

Victoria Island: Where warming means danger -

This is an excellent report from the North West Territories. In a side bar of the article read 'Climate Group Cash To Dry Up'. This is huge problem for us in Canada. I grew with a country that was small, but was Research and Development based. (Although, I have to mention that it was the Conservatives who killed the Avro Arrow). Now we are growing in numbers, but our R&D in this country is suffering, in fact it is being smothered to death. At a time when the world needs as much Atmospheric data as it can collect from around the world, we are limiting our resources, knowledge and science studies. This bothers me more than I can express here. The Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science has not received any new funding since the Conservative Government was elected in 2006. We have to get our act together and get them out of office, quick before we all drown in our ignorance and melted ice caps. If anyone out there reads this blog, write your local MP. I suggest you google their name, then hit their website and find 'contact'. Then do just that, email them, let them know how important this is to the future generations of this country and you want the funding restored. I have to confess, I am one of those who 'picks my battles' and writes. I have to 'pick' my battles, otherwise I would be writing them all the time, right now I am down to about once a month. The lame excuses I get back are terrifying, these people are in charge of our state of affairs and as mother, a grandmother and a woman, I want to take these politicians to the woodshed. I never had to do that with any of my own, as I do not believe in spanking!
Victoria Island: Where warming means danger -

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